After years of working on the purchase of the land, then raising enough funds to purchase the land and keep up with construction costs, we can finally say that our secondary school is complete!
Thank you for sticking with us through this process, we can't believe it's done and how incredible it looks!
We will never stop saying thank you to each and everyone of you for making this dream come true for us and the students in the Dominican Republic.
A huge blast of gratitude goes out to two private family foundations for their donations, along with the Ryder family for creating the Ryder Centre of Performing Arts, a loving son who wanted to leave a lasting legacy for his father by supporting our library, the Buble's for continuing to honour their late grandparents by helping with our second Noni's kitchen, and for each person who bought a door, window, fan, or desk. Also to all the participants of Ruben's Ruckus and Ruben's Classic, to our education sponsors and to each person who individually donated to our cause.
Unfortunately, we won't be opening our doors just yet. As the Dominican Republic has recently seen an increase in COVID cases, the Minister of Education announced that schools will remain closed and teachers are currently being trained to teach online for home-based learning that will begin in November.
We plan on working closely with our teachers to ensure they have everything they need to stay connected with students while at home.
We will be sure to keep you posted as new information becomes available.